Entrance Exam Examples with Additional Questions for the Medical Studies in English University of Zagreb School of Medicine 1st editionŠifra artikla: 0921

  • Cijena: 19,91 EUR150,00 kn
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Autori: Sanja Dolanski Babić and Jasna Lovrić

ISBN: 978-953-6255-87-0
Izdavač: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Godina izdavanja: 2022
Opće informacije: Meki uvez, 139 str., Format: 21 x 29 cm
Dostupno: Da

The first edition of 'Entrance Exam Examples with Additional Questions for the Medical Studies in English, University of Zagreb School of Medicine' consist of two parts. In order to help you prepare for the entrance exam as best as possible, the first part of the handbook offers you three individual exams, consisting of questions taken from entrance exams in 2020 and 2021, for further practice. Their correct answers can be found at the end of each exam. The second part of this handbook contains a selection of 100 multiple-choice questions from the fields of biology, chemistry and physics. Each of these questions has ONE correct answer that will be revealed at the end of each section.

Prvo izdanje priručnika 'Entrance Exam Examples with Additional Questions for the Medical Studies in English, University of Zagreb School of Medicine' sastoji se od dva dijela. U prvom su dijelu primjeri triju originalnih prijamnih ispita održanih u 2020. i 2021. godini te točni odgovori na sva ponuđena pitanja. Drugi dio priručnika nudi po 100 pitanja iz biologije, kemije i fizike. Svako pitanje ima samo jedan točan odgovor, a točne odgovore možete naći na kraju svakog poglavlja.

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